These Terms & Conditions (“Terms”) of (a) use of our website  (“Website”), our applications (“Application”) or any products or services in connection with the Application/,  Website/products (“Services”)  or (b) any modes of registrations or usage of products, including through SD cards, tablets or other storage/transmitting device are between Think & Learn Privately Limited (“Company/We/Us/Our”) and its users (“User/You/Your”).

These Terms constitute an electronic record in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 thereunder, as amended from time to time.

Your use/access/browsing of the Application or Website or the Services or products or registration (with or without payment/with or without a subscription) through any means shall signify Your acceptance of the Terms and Your agreement to be legally bound by the same.

If you do not agree with the Terms and conditions, please do not use the Application or Website or avail of the Services or products. Any access to our Services/Applications/products through registrations/subscriptions is non-transferable.

Important Note:

  • Those students who have to leave in between the course due to their law faculty exam have to take prior permission at the time of admission with written permission from the institute at the beginning of the course.  You will be later allowed to do only those classes which you have missed out during your exams. Without written permission, no such classes will be allowed later.
  • A student who joins the institute and does not attend the classes from the date of commencement of his/her course is not entitled to get his/her date of admission extended unless written permission is obtained. In case of failure to do so, the student is liable to get his/her admission canceled whereupon any fees already deposited shall be forfeited by the institute from the said date.
  • Irregularity in attending the classes is strictly prohibited.
  • The institute will not be responsible for the non-completion of the course if a student has not been regular in the classes. Reasonably explained absence, tolerated under the prior signature of the institute.
  • A student is required to be seated in the class at least ten minutes before the commencement of the lecture. Latecomers will strictly not be entertained
  • The course duration is subject to minor extensions (15 – 20 days) under special circumstances (e.g., illness of the teacher, extra classes for some subjects, etc.,).
  • The student should give some contact numbers to the institute. In case no such number is given, the institute will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused due to any sudden alteration of the class schedule.
  • Eatables and the use of mobile phones in the classroom are strictly prohibited.
  • Study material and cases or other handouts are to be collected on a signature from the office.
  • Any audio or video recording of lectures will strictly not be entertained, and the violation of this condition shall make the student liable to terminated.
  • The teacher holds the discretion to change the venue of lectures if any such need arises during the continuance of the course.
  • Discipline is taken very seriously and indiscipline will lead to termination of the student. Indiscipline includes any act of quarrel or fight in the premises of the institute or in the immediate surroundings.
  • Students are requested not to urge upon offers and discounts on fees since the institution always offers the best of fees as per market rates. Discount in fees may be offered based on various seasonal & special offers, student numbers in a batch, time of joining & underprivileged backgrounds, scholarship schemes, etc. But, it is the final discretionary power of Directors & authorized senior managers to finalize fees. So, there might be fee differences among the students in one batch.
  • The students are advised to cooperate with each other and with the staff, also carrying a minimum of things with themselves to the classroom.
  • The student is entitled to attend the classes only during the course duration for which he/she has enrolled and also only in the batch in which he/she has enrolled. In case one wants to repeat the course or part of the course thereafter, he/she will have to deposit the full course fees again.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • Fees once paid, are neither refundable nor adjustable under any circumstances. Late payment of fees due is strictly prohibited and if any, the student is liable to pay a fine of Rs.200. following other consequences like being stopped from attending classes. Late payment under reasonably explained circumstances is tolerated with prior written permission from the institute.
  • Permission for installment payment of fees will be issued only for one month or a maximum of 45days. Once tuition fees are offered, bill receipt has been given & admission form has been signed by the student, fees cannot be modified at any circumstances. The Directors hold the discretion to offer a discount on tuition fees.
  • After registration for the course, If the candidate will discontiue the class without informing to concern office then the course will be cancel after 30 Days.